Txawb emulsification twj tso kua mis nrog hopper

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

  • Tus nqi FOB: Asmeskas $ 0.5 - 9,999 / Daim
  • Min.Order Tus lej: 1 Daim
  • Muaj peev xwm muab lus: 50 ~ 100 Daim Ib Hli
  • Khoom Nthuav dav

    Cov khoom lag luam

    Txawb Homogenizing Twj Tso Dej nrog Hopper

    Peb ua tshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim khoom noj thiab khoom siv kho mob, thiab paub koj zoo dua! Cov khoom no tau dav siv hauv cov khoom noj, dej haus, kws tshuaj, kev siv tshuaj lom neeg, kho dej, tshuaj txhua hnub, roj av thiab tshuaj lom neeg kev lag luam.

    Khoom Muaj Qauv


    * Cov ntaub ntawv saum toj no yog rau kev siv xwb thiab tuaj yeem kho tau raws li cov neeg yuav tsum tau ua.

    * Cov khoom siv no tuaj yeem kho tau raws li cov khoom siv raw kom tau raws li qhov xav tau ntawm cov txheej txheem, xws li ntau dua viscosity, homogenization thiab lwm yam uas yuav tsum tau ua.

    Khoom Qauv Khoom

    Lub tshuab nqus hluav taws xob emulsification (tseem hu ua-kab high-shear dispersion tov khoom) yog cov khoom siv hluav taws xob zoo tshaj plaws uas sib xyaw nrog kev sib xyaw, kev faib tawm, kev sib tsoo, kev tshem tawm, nplua, depolymerizing, homogenization thiab emulsification, uas nws cov kev ua haujlwm feem ntau yog stator thiab rotator, Lub rotor tig nrawm nrawm los tsim lub zog centrifugal thiab lub zog hydraulic thiab lub stator tseem nyob ruaj ruaj. Los ntawm qhov tseeb ua ke ntawm rotor thiab tus stator, lub zog shear muaj zog yog tsim thaum lub sij hawm kev sib hloov ceev, thiab cov khoom yog raug txaij txaij tsis muaj zog, centrifugal extrusion, cuam tshuam tawg, kua txhuam, thiab cov cua daj cua dub zoo ib yam. Yog li, ntau yam xov xwm xws li immiscible solid theem, ua kua theem, thiab roj theem yog uniformly thiab finely dispersed thiab emulsified hauv ib qho chaw. Tom qab lub voj voog reciprocating, ruaj khov thiab cov khoom lag luam zoo tau txais thaum kawg.

    Tus Qauv Ua Haujlwm

    Lub tshuab nqus hluav taws xob emulsification / hauv-kab siab-shear dispersion tov khoom tuaj yeem ua tau zoo, sai sai, thiab tusyees faib ib lossis ntau theem mus rau lwm ntu, thaum lub sijhawm ib txwm muaj cov theem no ob leeg tsis tseem ceeb. Los ntawm siab shear linear tawm tsim los ntawm kev sib hloov siab ntawm rotor thiab siab kev tig tau lub zog coj los ntawm high-frequency mechanical effect, cov khoom hauv qhov nqaim ntawm rotor thiab stator yog yuam los ntawm lub tshuab muaj zog thiab hydraulic shear, centrifugal extrusion, kua txheej kev sib txhuam, cuam tshuam los kua muag thiab cua hlob thiab lwm yam cuam tshuam zoo. Uas ua rau cov khoom tsis sib xws theem, ua kua theem thiab roj theem tam sim homogenized, dispersed thiab emulsified nyob rau hauv kev txiav txim sib xyaw cov tshuab paub tab thiab tus nqi tsim nyog ntxiv. Thaum kawg ruaj khov thiab cov khoom lag luam zoo muaj tom qab rov qab mus ua qhov loj ntawm cov zaus.

    Peb pawg ntawm stator thiab rotor yog ntsia rau hauv chav ua haujlwm ntawm lub twj emulsification. Cov kis tau sib kis hauv chav ua haujlwm yog cantilevered. Lub rooj sib txig sib txuas ua ke lub cev muaj zog thiab ntxaiv hauv cov vaj tsev cov kabmob coj los txhim kho kev ua haujlwm zoo ntawm cov kis xa. Cov foos sib khi yog nyob ntawm xaiv raws li kev ua haujlwm txawv. Nws yog qhov tsim nyog rau nruab nrab thiab loj ua ntau yam ntawm on-line tas mus li ntau lawm lossis rov ua dua tshiab kev lag luam.

    Mobile emulsification pump with hopper08 Mobile emulsification pump with hopper10 Mobile emulsification pump with hopper12 Mobile emulsification pump with hopper13

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